

This class is a C++ wrapper around the C library called SLRE (Super Lightweight Regular Expressions)


Regex::Capure caps[3];
Regex reg("(..) (..) (..)");
bool success = reg.Match("test my regex", caps, 3);
if (success) {
   String cap1 = reg.Value(caps[0]);

Pattern syntax

  • (?i) Must be at the beginning of the regex. Makes match case-insensitive
  • ^ Match beginning of a buffer
  • $ Match end of a buffer
  • () Grouping and substring capturing
  • \s Match whitespace
  • \S Match non-whitespace
  • \d Match decimal digit
  • \n Match new line character
  • \r Match line feed character
  • \f Match form feed character
  • \v Match vertical tab character
  • \t Match horizontal tab character
  • \b Match backspace character
  • + Match one or more times (greedy)
  • +? Match one or more times (non-greedy)
  • * Match zero or more times (greedy)
  • *? Match zero or more times (non-greedy)
  • ? Match zero or once (non-greedy)
  • x|y Match x or y (alternation operator)
  • \meta Match one of the meta character: ^$().[]*+?|\
  • \xHH Match byte with hex value 0xHH, e.g.
  • [...] Match any character from set. Ranges like [a-z] are supported
  • [^...] Match any character but ones from set

Public Types


Regex Match capture object holding the first match capture


Public Functions

Regex::Regex(String pattern)

Create a regular expression object from a pattern string

bool Regex::IsMatch(String matchStr)

Test if a string matches the regex pattern

true on match, false otherwise

bool Regex::Match(String matchStr, Capture *captureArray, uint32_t capArraySize)

Get a the first capture group match from a string

The Regex class does not allocate any capure objects, so you must supply all needed objects for captures.

true on match, false otherwise
  • matchStr -

    The string to match against the regex pattern

  • captureArray -

    A pointer to a array of Capture objects

  • capArraySize -

    The size of the provided capture array

String Regex::Value(Capture &cap)

Return the string value from a match capture object