

Public Functions

template <typename Owner>
void mono::ui::AbstractButtonView::setClickCallback(Owner * obj, void(Owner::*)(void) memPtr)

Attach a member function as the button click handler.

Provide the callback member function you ewant to be called when the button is clicked.

NOTE: THere can only be one callback function

  • obj -

    A pointer to the object where the callback method exists

  • memPtr -

    A pointer to the callback method itself

void mono::ui::AbstractButtonView::setClickCallback(void (*memPtr)(void))

Attach a C function pointeras the button click handler.

Provide a pointer to the callback C function, you ewant to be called when the button is clicked.

NOTE: THere can only be one callback function.

  • memPtr -

    A pointer to the C function callback

Protected Functions


Cannot construct abstract buttons.

AbstractButtonView::AbstractButtonView(geo::Rect rct)

Construct a button with a defined viewRect.