1. Architectural Overview

In this article we take a quick tour of the complete framework, its classes and features. We will visit the most important topics and requirements for developing Mono applications.

Who should read this?

If you wish to understand the concepts and thoughts behind the frameworks structure, this article is for you. Or if you should choose to read only one in-depth article, it should definitely be this one!


This is a draft article, that is work in progress. It still needs some work, therefore you might stumble upon missing words, typos and unclear passages.


Mono Framework is a collection of C++ classes, all build on top of the mbed library created by ARM. The complete Mono software stack consists of 3 levels of abstractions, which are separate libraries:

  1. Mono layer (C++): All high-level classes
  2. mbed layer (C++/C): Hardware level I/O and functions (including most of stdlib)
  3. Cypress layer (C): Hardware dependent code, generated by PSoC Creator

In this article we focus mainly on the Mono layer. Mono is an open system, so you have access to the underlying layers from your application. However, you should use only layer 3 (and some of mbed), if you really can not avoid it. Using these layers might break compatibility with future hardware releases and the to-be-released simulator.

API Overview

Below is a diagram of the features provided by Mono Framework. These are the high-level interfaces that makes it fast and easy, for you to take advantage of all Mono’s features.

Mono Framework Feature Overview

As you can see in the diagram, the features can be grouped by their function. Some framework classes are generic, like the String class. Other serves a specific purpose, like providing the accelerometer interface (IAccelerometer).

Core Concepts

Since there is no operating system, your application will run on bare metal, meaning it interfaces the hardware directly. On a versatile platform, such as Mono, it means that your application must deal with some critical events and concepts. In the next sections we shall take a look at the key functions and requirements of all applications targeting the OpenMono platform.

Application lifecycle

The application lifecycle is the time from execution of the first instruction to the last. In conventional environments this is from main() gets called, until it returns:

    // This is a normal familiar C++ application main function:
    int main(char *argv[], int argc)
        // Application lifecycle begins
        // do stuff
        // Application lifecycle ends
        return 0;

This is the case when you are inside an operating system. Mono is an embedded platform, so here the lifecycle is quite different and determined by the power on and power off events.

When the CPU powers up, it will immediately start executing your application. And it will not stop before you cut the CPU’s power source - literally! There is no return 0 that stops your application.

Mono is Always on

Mono’s hardware is always powered, because there is just no power switch! You can not simply cut the power to the CPU, when you what to turn off Mono. The “turn off” feature needs to be the software that throttles down the CPU and puts all peripherals into a low power state. We call this state: sleep mode.

Mono Framework helps you with handling sleep mode. By default Mono’s side-button will toggle sleep mode. It will put Mono to sleep, and wake Mono up again if pressed during sleep. You do not need to do anything to support sleep mode, it is provided to you by the framework. Only if you need to make use of the side-button for you own purpose, you must provide a way of going to sleep. This is done by calling the IApplicationContext::EnterSleepMode method:

// put mono into sleep mode:
mono::IApplicationContext::EnterSleepMode(); // execution halts here until wake-up

// only after wake-up will EnterSleepMode return
printf("Mono has awaken!");

Because power is never cut from the CPU, it rarely resets. The application state is preserved across sleep cycles, meaning that your application lifespan will be long. Even significantly longer when compared to desktop applications. The long lifespan makes the application more vulnerable to errors, such as memory leaks, corrupting memory or stack overflows. The point is: it is a tough job to be an embedded developer .

Power On Reset

The term Power On Reset or POR means the initial reset that occurs when the CPU powers on. This is when the power supply is first asserted or the physical H/W reset line is de-asserted. On Mono a POR is the same as a hardware reset.

A POR can be triggered in a number of different ways:

  • Pressing mono reset button
  • If Mono’s battery is completely drained, the power control subsystem will cut the CPU’s supply. When Mono is charged, the power to the CPU will be restored and a POR happens.
  • Uploading a new application to Mono, using monoprog.
  • Your application can trigger a SoftwareReset, that results in a POR.

Every Mono application is required to handle the POR event. It is here your application must setup all needed peripherals, such as temperature sensor or SD Card file I/O. If you use any UI Widgets, you need to initialize them on POR as well.

Later in the Required virtual methods section, we shall see how you handle the POR event.

Sleep and Wake-up

We expect the POR events to be relatively rare, compared the number of sleep and wake up events. When Mono goes to sleep it turns off all peripherals to minimize power consumption.


Due to a software bug in the current release (1.0) of Mono Framework, Mono cannot wake up gracefully from sleep. It gets trapped in an infinite loop. Therefore we have added a reset to the default wake-up routine. So as of release 1.0, Mono will reset at wake-up.

You have the option to handle the go to sleep and wake from sleep events, as we shall see in the section about the The AppController. We imagine you might need to do some book-keeping or clean-ups before entering sleep. Likewise, you may need some setup after waking from sleep. If you use the display, you will need to take repaint actions when waking from sleep.

However, it you are lazy could could just trigger a SoftwareReset upon wake from sleep, but you would loose any state that is not serialized.

The run loop

Like most modern application runtimes, Mono has an internal run loop. The loop handles periodic tasks, like sampling the touch system, updating the display, processing Timers and handling any other asynchronous task. You can inject your own tasks into the run loop, and there by achieve the Arduino-like loop() functionality.

The run loop is started right after your POR handler returns, and runs for the entire length of the application lifecycle.

Callback functions

Because we have a run loop we can make tasks asynchronous. This does not mean your code will run concurrently, it means that you can put tasks in the background. You do not need to think about race-conditions and other rough topics related to parallelism.

You use callback functions to handle events that arrive, and require your action. For example you can schedule a function call in the future. The Timer class can schedule a function getting called 5 secs from now:

    mono::Timer::callOnce<MyClass>(5000, this, &MyClass::futureFunction);

Notice the syntax here. We use C++ templates and function pointers. Reason is the complexity of context and function pointers in C++. In C you create function pointers with ease:

    void MyFunction() {}

  • we have callback functions for C++
  • beside C function pointers, you can use C++ member pointers (type info is preserved!)
  • most apps a events based, they change state on events
  • events are touch input, power/sleep triggers or button interrupts
  • events are handled in callback functions and member method overrides
  • a todo list app changes state on touch events, between events it does nothing
  • Timers trigger a periodic event handler callback
  • Real-Time apps might update its state/content on a regular interval
  • Timers can also be used to call a function at some point in the future (as soon as possible).
Queued interrupts
  • in embedded environment interrupts are hardware triggers, that call a C function (the ISR)
  • the ISR should be fast and return very quickly - a lot of concurrency issues arise when using ISR.
  • mono uses Queued interrupt, where the ISR is handled in the run loop.
  • no concurrency issues
  • you can longer lived ISR’s
  • they can debounce your hardware input signals, to create more robust handling of button or switches

The AppController

All application must have a app controller - this is there entry point

Required virtual methods

Application Entry Point & Startup

  1. static inits
  2. main func
  3. app ctrl POR method
  4. run loop

The Bootloader

Crashes and Exceptions

Best Pratice

some do and dont’s

Further reading

in depth articles:

  • Boot and Startup procedures
  • Queued callbacks and interrupts
  • [[Display System Architecture|display_system_architecture]]
  • Touch System Architecture
  • Wifi & networking
  • Power Management Overview
  • Memory Management: Stack vs heap objects?
  • Coding C++ for bare metal
  • The Build System