
class mono::DateTime

A Date and time representation in the Gregorian calendar.

This class represents a point in time, defined in the gregorian calendar. Such a timestamp are given in year, month, day of month, hours since midnight, minutes and seconds. This class also defined if the timestamp is in UTC / GMT or a defined local time zone.

The class handles leap years and the varying length of months. You can add seconds, minutes, hours and days to a DateTime object and get the result as a new DateTime object.

When you create DateTime objects they are created in the local time zone by default. The local time zone is defined as a offset in hours relative to UTC. There is no notion of IANA Time Zone names of alike - just an offset to the UTC time.

There are two convenient method to print DateTime as readable strings. The toString method print a human readable (MySql compatible) timestamp. The other toISO8601 returns a string formatted in the ISO 8601 standard format used in JSON objects.

When printing DateTime objects, they are returned in the time zone that they are created in.

System Wall Clock

This class also has a global DateTime object reserved for use by a RTC feature. A subsystem manages the RTC and increments the global system DateTime object.

You can get the current DateTime time by using the static method now To set the system clock use the static method setSystemClock

Public Types

enum TimeTypes

DateTime timestamps can be one of three types



The DateTime is specified in local time zone


The DateTime is specified in UTC / GMT time zone


The DateTime do not have a specified time zone

Public Functions


Construct an empty / invalid DateTime object.

DateTime(const time_t t, bool localTimeZone = true)

Create a DateTime from the a libc simple time.

This constructor takes a standard lic time variable and create a calendar DateTime object from that. It uses the systems timezone, and libc systems time stamp to calendar conversion.

You can set the optional argument localTimeZone to false to force the DateTime to be created in UTC time, instead of system time.

Times is converted to a date in the Gregorian calendar.

  • t: The libc simple time stamp
  • localTimeZone: Optional: Use the systems timezone in convertion

DateTime(const tm *brokentime, bool localTimeZone = true)

Create a DateTime from the a libc broken-down time struct.

This constructor takes a standard libc broken-downtime variable and creates a calendar DateTime object from that. It uses the timezone present in libc structure.

You can set the optional argument localTimeZone to false to force the DateTime to be created in UTC time, instead of system time.

  • brokentime: The libc simple broken-down calendar time
  • localTimeZone: Optional: Use the systems timezone in convertion

DateTime(uint16_t years, uint8_t months, uint8_t days, uint8_t hours = 0, uint8_t minutes = 0, uint8_t seconds = 0, TimeTypes zone = LOCAL_TIME_ZONE)

Construct a DateTime object with a given date and time.

  • years: The Year component of the date, for example 2016
  • months: The month component of the date from 1 to 12, May is 5
  • days: The day component of the date, 1-indexed, from 1 to 31
  • hours: Optional: The hour component of the timestamp, range is 0 to 23
  • minutes: The minute component of the timestamp, range is 0 to 59
  • seconds: The seconds component of the timestamp, range is 0 to 59
  • zone: The timezone where this DateTime define its time, default is the local timezone

String toString() const

Return the DateTime object as a huamn readable string.

A mono string on the format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

String toISO8601() const

Return an ISO8601 formatted timestamp as a string.

This returned string is on the format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+tt:00 if not UTC or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

String toRFC1123() const

Get the DateTime as an RFC1123 compatible date/time string.

This is the standard used by the HTTP standard and therefore used in HTTP headers like Date and Last-Modified. Use this method to format a DateTime to this representation.

String toTimeString() const

Return only a time string from the DateTime.

The format is: HH:mm:ss

String toDateString() const

Return only a date string from the DateTime.

The format is: yyyy-MM-dd

uint32_t toJulianDayNumber() const

Return Julian day number of the DateTime.

uint32_t toUnixTime() const

Return Unix time of the DateTime.

struct tm toBrokenDownUnixTime() const

Return a libc broken-down time/date compnents.

This uses the default timezone of the local systems time zone

time_t toLibcUnixTime() const

Returns the libc style timestamp (simple time)

bool isValid() const

Return true if the DateTime is valid.

Invalid date object is contructed by the default constructor

DateTime toUtcTime() const

Convert this DateTime to UTC time.

uint8_t Hours() const

Get the hour component, from 0 to 23.

uint8_t Minutes() const

Get the Minute component, from 0 to 59.

uint8_t Seconds() const

Get the Seconds component, from 0 to 59.

uint8_t Days() const

Get the day of month component, first day of month is 1.

uint8_t Month() const

Get the month component, January is 1, December 12.

uint16_t Year() const

Get the year component.

DateTime addSeconds(int seconds) const

Return a new object with a number of seconds added.

This method increments the timestamp for the given second interval

The new DateTime object with seconds added
  • seconds: The seconds to add

DateTime addMinutes(int minutes) const

Return a new object with a number of minutes added.

This method increments the timestamp for the given minute interval

The new DateTime object with minutes added
  • minutes: The minutes to add

DateTime addHours(int hours) const

Return a new object with a number of hours added.

This method increments the timestamp for the given hour interval

The new DateTime object with hours added
  • hours: The hours to add

DateTime addDays(int days) const

Return a new object with a number of days added.

This method increments the timestamp for the given day interval

The new DateTime object with days added
  • days: The days to add

DateTime addTime(const time_t *t) const

Return a new object with the Unix simple time component added.

The provided pointer to a unix time is added to the existing DateTime and the result is returned as a new object.

The new DateTime object with the time interval added
  • t: The unix simple time to add

String toString(const char *format) const

Format the DateTime to a string, using libc strftime function.

Use this method to get a custom representation of the date/time as text. You control the format of the output using the string at format. It can contain two kinds of specifications: text to be copied literally into the formatted string, and time conversion specifications. Time conversion specifications are two- and three-character sequences beginning with ‘’ (use ‘%’ to include a percent sign in the output). Each defined conversion specification selects only the specified field(s) of calendar time data from *timp, and converts it to a string in one of the following ways:

a The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale. [tm_wday]

A The full weekday name according to the current locale. In the default “C” locale, one of ‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’. [tm_wday]

b The abbreviated month name according to the current locale. [tm_mon]

B The full month name according to the current locale. In the default “C” locale, one of ‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’, ‘August’, ‘September’, ‘October’, ‘November’, ‘December’. [tm_mon]

c The preferred date and time representation for the current locale. [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year, tm_wday]

C The century, that is, the year divided by 100 then truncated. For 4-digit years, the result is zero-padded and exactly two characters; but for other years, there may a negative sign or more digits. In this way, ‘Cy’ is equivalent to ‘Y’. [tm_year]

d The day of the month, formatted with two digits (from ‘01’ to ‘31’). [tm_mday]

D A string representing the date, in the form ‘”%m/%d/%y”’. [tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year]

e The day of the month, formatted with leading space if single digit (from ‘1’ to ‘31’). [tm_mday]

Ex In some locales, the E modifier selects alternative representations of certain modifiers x. In newlib, it is ignored, and treated as x.

F A string representing the ISO 8601:2000 date format, in the form ‘”%Y-%m-%d”’. [tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year]

g The last two digits of the week-based year, see specifier G (from ‘00’ to ‘99’). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]

G The week-based year. In the ISO 8601:2000 calendar, week 1 of the year includes January 4th, and begin on Mondays. Therefore, if January 1st, 2nd, or 3rd falls on a Sunday, that day and earlier belong to the last week of the previous year; and if December 29th, 30th, or 31st falls on Monday, that day and later belong to week 1 of the next year. For consistency with Y, it always has at least four characters. Example: “%G” for Saturday 2nd January 1999 gives “1998”, and for Tuesday 30th December 1997 gives “1998”. [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]

h Synonym for “%b”. [tm_mon]

H The hour (on a 24-hour clock), formatted with two digits (from ‘00’ to ‘23’). [tm_hour]

I The hour (on a 12-hour clock), formatted with two digits (from ‘01’ to ‘12’). [tm_hour]

j The count of days in the year, formatted with three digits (from ‘001’ to ‘366’). [tm_yday]

k The hour (on a 24-hour clock), formatted with leading space if single digit (from ‘0’ to ‘23’). Non-POSIX extension (c.p. I). [tm_hour]

l The hour (on a 12-hour clock), formatted with leading space if single digit (from ‘1’ to ‘12’). Non-POSIX extension (c.p. H). [tm_hour]

m The month number, formatted with two digits (from ‘01’ to ‘12’). [tm_mon]

M The minute, formatted with two digits (from ‘00’ to ‘59’). [tm_min]

n A newline character (‘ ’).

Ox In some locales, the O modifier selects alternative digit characters for certain modifiers x. In newlib, it is ignored, and treated as x.

p Either ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ as appropriate, or the corresponding strings for the current locale. [tm_hour]

P Same as ’p’, but in lowercase. This is a GNU extension. [tm_hour]

r Replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation. In the “C” locale this is equivalent to “%I:%M:%S %p”. In locales which don’t define a.m./p.m. notations, the result is an empty string. [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour]

R The 24-hour time, to the minute. Equivalent to “%H:%M”. [tm_min, tm_hour]

S The second, formatted with two digits (from ‘00’ to ‘60’). The value 60 accounts for the occasional leap second. [tm_sec]

t A tab character (‘’).

T The 24-hour time, to the second. Equivalent to “%H:%M:%S”. [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour]

u The weekday as a number, 1-based from Monday (from ‘1’ to ‘7’). [tm_wday]

U The week number, where weeks start on Sunday, week 1 contains the first Sunday in a year, and earlier days are in week 0. Formatted with two digits (from ‘00’ to ‘53’). See also W. [tm_wday, tm_yday]

V The week number, where weeks start on Monday, week 1 contains January 4th, and earlier days are in the previous year. Formatted with two digits (from ‘01’ to ‘53’). See also G. [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]

w The weekday as a number, 0-based from Sunday (from ‘0’ to ‘6’). [tm_wday]

W The week number, where weeks start on Monday, week 1 contains the first Monday in a year, and earlier days are in week 0. Formatted with two digits (from ‘00’ to ‘53’). [tm_wday, tm_yday]

x Replaced by the preferred date representation in the current locale. In the “C” locale this is equivalent to “%m/%d/%y”. [tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year]

X Replaced by the preferred time representation in the current locale. In the “C” locale this is equivalent to “%H:%M:%S”. [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour]

y The last two digits of the year (from ‘00’ to ‘99’). tm_year

Y The full year, equivalent to Cy. It will always have at least four characters, but may have more. The year is accurate even when tm_year added to the offset of 1900 overflows an int. [tm_year]

z The offset from UTC. The format consists of a sign (negative is west of Greewich), two characters for hour, then two characters for minutes (-hhmm or +hhmm). If tm_isdst is negative, the offset is unknown and no output is generated; if it is zero, the offset is the standard offset for the current time zone; and if it is positive, the offset is the daylight savings offset for the current timezone. The offset is determined from the TZ environment variable, as if by calling tzset(). [tm_isdst]

Z The time zone name. If tm_isdst is negative, no output is generated. Otherwise, the time zone name is based on the TZ environment variable, as if by calling tzset(). [tm_isdst]

%% A single character, ‘’.

Public Static Functions

static DateTime maxValue()

Get the maximum possible DateTime value (far in the future)

static DateTime minValue()

Get the lowest possible DateTime value (the distant past)

bool isLeapYear(uint16_t year)

Check is a year is a leap year.

DateTime fromISO8601(String date)

Parse a subset of ISO 8601 compatible date time representations.

This static method takes a ISO 8601 formatted string, and creates a DateTime object from that. This method only parses a subset of the possible date representations allowed in ISO 8601. Specifically it can handle dates in these format:

  • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
  • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+01:00 or other time zones
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

The parsed DateTime object, that might be valid or invalid

void setSystemDateTime(DateTime dt)

Set a new system DateTime.

DateTime now()

Get the current DateTime from the system RTC clock.

void incrementSystemClock()

Internal method used by the RTC system to increment the system DateTime. You should not call this manually.

Public Static Attributes

int LocalTimeZoneHourOffset = 0

The systems current TimeZone setting.

The timezone is just an hour-offset from the UTC / GMT time