
class mono::ScheduledTask

Schedule function a call at a point in the future using the RTC.

A SchdueldTask is a wrapper around a function call that is scheduled some time in the future. You create a task by defining a function to be called, and a DateTime on when it should be called.

A ScheduledTask differs from Timer by not being repetitive by nature. Also, the time resolution on is seconds, not milliseconds as on Timers.

An advantage of scheduled tasks is they can execute in sleep mode. They have the ability to wake Mono from sleep, either completely or just to execute simple house keeping code inside the sleep mode state!

Scheduled tasks rely on the RTC system to execute. They use the global system DateTime object to execute when they are due. A ScheduledTask executes once. If you wish to re-scedule the task at a new point in the future, use the method reschedule.

Execution in Sleep Mode

You can opt-in to allow your task to run in sleep mode. This means Mono’s CPU wake up and executes your task’s callback function. You enabled sleep mode execution by:

ScheduledTask task(DateTime::now().addMinutes(30));
task.setTask<MyClass>(this, &MyClass::myCallback);

The function is executed without exiting the frameworks sleep state. This means the auxillary power is not enabled. (Display, Wireless chip and sensors are off.) Inside you callback function you can do small lightweight tasks, and when your function returns Mono re-enter the sleep state.

Wake-up from a task

If you want to wake Mono from sleep, you must indicate to the IPowerManager that sleep mode should be exited. This is done by setting the flag:

IApplicationContext::Instance->PowerManager->__shouldWakeUp = true;

This will trigger a full wake-up, just as toggling the user button does.

RTC must run

Scheduled tasks will not work if the RTC system is not started. This system is automatically started on reset, so the system is enabled by default.

Just like Timer you are not guaranteed to have you function executed at the exact moment defined by the DateTime provided. The guarantee is that your function will not be executed before the provided time stamp.

Inherits from mono::IQueueItem

Public Functions


Consrtuct an empty (non-executable) Task.

You must provide a callback function and reschedule the task using the accessors in subsequent calls.

ScheduledTask(const DateTime &scheduledTime)

Construct a task that is due at a provided time stamp.

Create a ScheduledTask that is due on the given DateTime, which must be in the future. You must also provide the callback function using the setTask method.

  • scheduledTime: The point in the future where the task should run

void reschedule(const DateTime &newTime)

Reschedules the task at a new point in the future.

Tasks only executes once. To enable re-ocurring tasks, use this method to schedule the task again.

  • newTime: The new point in the future where the task is run again

bool willRunInSleep() const

Get is this task will execute in sleep mode.

void setRunInSleep(bool run)

Allow this task to run in sleep mode.

If you set this to true the task will execute in sleep mode. Note that it does not abort sleep (wake up), it execute inside the sleep mode.

Task that do not run in sleep are executed ASAP after wake-up.

  • run: true if the task can run in sleep, false otherwise

template <typename Class>
void mono::ScheduledTask::setTask(Class * context, void(Class::*)(void) memptr)

Set the tasks callback function.

Here you provide the function that is called when the task is scheduled

  • context: The this pointer or object instance
  • memptr: A pointer to a member method on a class

Public Static Functions

void processScheduledTasks(bool isSleeping = false)

System routine of run any due scheduled task.

the RTC system automatically calls this method, you should not call it yourself.

bool pendingScheduledTasks(bool inSleep = false)

Returns true if there are scheduling tasks pending for processing.

This means a running task has timed out and are ready to have its handler called. tasks with no callback handler are not regarded as pending.

  • inSleep: If this static method is called from inside sleep mode, set to true

Protected Functions

void runTask(bool inSleep = false)

Execute the tasks callback function

bool isDue() const

Return true if the tasks time stamp has been reached

Protected Static Attributes

GenericQueue<ScheduledTask> queue

The global singleton queue of pending tasks